Words That Start With A (page 8)
Browse the Student Dictionary
- apostolic
- apostrophe
- apothecaries
- apothecaries' measure
- apothecaries' weight
- apothecary
- app
- appall
- appalling
- appallingly
- Appaloosa
- appanage
- apparatus
- apparatuses
- apparel
- apparent
- apparently
- apparition
- appeal
- appear
- appearance
- appease
- appeased
- appeasement
- appeaser
- appeasing
- appellant
- appellate
- appellation
- appellee
- append
- appendage
- appendectomies
- appendectomy
- appendices
- appendicitis
- appendix
- appendixes
- appertain
- appetite
- appetizer
- appetizing
- appetizingly
- applaud
- applaudable
- applauder
- applause
- apple
- apple-pie
- applesauce
- applet
- appliance
- applicability
- applicable
- applicant
- application
- applicator
- applied
- applier
- appliqué
- appliquéd
- appliquéing
- apply
- applying
- appoint
- appointed
- appointee
- appointive
- appointment
- apportion
- apportioned
- apportioning
- apportionment
- apposite
- appositely
- appositeness
- apposition
- appositive
- appositively
- appraisal
- appraise
- appraised
- appraisement
- appraiser
- appraising
- appreciable
- appreciably
- appreciate
- appreciated
- appreciating
- appreciation
- appreciative
- appreciatively
- appreciativeness
- apprehend
- apprehension
- apprehensive
- apprehensively
- apprehensiveness
- apprentice
- apprenticed
- apprenticeship
- apprenticing
- apprise
- apprised
- apprising
- approach
- approachability
- approachable
- approbation
- appropriate
- appropriated
- appropriately
- appropriateness
- appropriating
- appropriation
- approval
- approve
- approved
- approving
- approvingly
- approximate
- approximated
- approximately
- approximating
- approximation
- apricot
- April
- April fool
- April Fool's Day
- April Fools' Day
- apron
- apropos
- apropos of
- apse
- apt
- aptitude
- aptly
- aptness
- aqua
- aquacade
- aquaculture
- aquaculturist
- aquamarine
- aquanaut
- aquaplane
- aquaplaner
- aqua regia
- aquaria
- aquarist
- aquarium
- aquariums
- Aquarius
- aquatic
- aqueduct
- aqueous
- aqueous humor
- aquifer
- aquiferous
- aquiline
- aquilinity
- -ar
- Arab
- arabesque
- Arabian
- Arabian camel
- Arabian horse
- Arabic
- Arabic numeral
- arability
- arable
- arachnid
- aragonite
- Aramaean
- Aramaic
- aramid
- Arapaho
- Arapahoe
- Arapahoes
- Arapahos
- Arawak
- Arawaks
- arbiter
- arbitrarily
- arbitrariness
- arbitrary
- arbitrate
- arbitrated
- arbitrating
- arbitration
- arbitrator
- arbor
- Arbor Day
- arboreal
- arboreta
- arboretum
- arboretums
- arborist
- arborvitae
- arbutus
- arc
- arcade
- arcade game
- arch
- arch-
- archaea
- Archaean
- archaeological
- archaeologist
- archaeology
- archaeopteryx
- archaic
- archaism
- archangel
- archangelic
- archbishop
- archbishopric
- archdeacon
- archdiocese
- Archean
- archenemy
- archeology
- Archeozoic
- archer
- archery
- archetypal
- archetype
- archfoe
- archiepiscopal
- -archies
- Archimedes' principle
- archipelago
- archipelagoes
- archipelagos
- architect
- architectural
- architecturally
- architecture
- archive
- archived
- archiving
- archivist
- archly
- archness
- archrival
- archway
- -archy
- arc lamp
- arctic
- arctic circle
- arctic fox
- arctic hare
- Arcturus
- ardent
- ardently
- ardor
- arduous
- arduously
- arduousness
- are
- area
- area code
- areaway
- arena
- aren't
- areola
- areolae
- areolar
- areolas
- argent
- argentite
- argillaceous
- arginine
- Argive
- argon
- argonaut
- argosies
- argosy
- argot
- arguable
- arguably
- argue
- argued
- arguer
- arguing
- argument
- argumentative
- argumentatively
- aria
- arid
- aridity
- -aries
- Aries
- aright
- arise
- arisen
- arising
- aristocracies
- aristocracy
- aristocrat